Educational Advocacy


Families are often overwhelmed with large team meetings at their child’s school because they are unsure how to proceed in these stressful situations.  Dr. Kosmerl advocates for students and their families to receive the services they are legally entitled to under state and federal law.  It is important to note, Dr. Kosmerl is not an attorney, but an advocate who has experience with state complaints, federal OCR complaints and due process.

Disclaimer:  “These interventions are not behavioral in nature and are not covered by my BACB certification”.


Advocacy Services Provided Nationwide:

  • Attending evaluation, IEP and 504 meetings virtually
  • Consultation without attending meetings
  • Reviewing of school paperwork, including ER/RRs, IEPs, 504s
  • Collecting and analyzing education and behavioral data


Dr. Kosmerl provides educational advocacy services nationwide virtually.  Please email to schedule an initial consult with Dr. Kosmerl regarding advocacy services.